Contact Headlands ATS today to see how our experienced team of board-certified experts can help you grow your program with specialized addiction treatment and mental health care.
With some basic information, we can quickly get you a competitive quote for treatment program services. You will be happy.... and your clients will thank you for it.
Are you ready to work with a medical group who truly understands the needs of your treatment program?
*This form is for treatment programs only. If you are an individual seeking treatment, please do not send information through this form. Click here to contact us
We help our partners build more functional and profitable programs so they may help more people. While we are based in California, we provide services to treatment centers across the nation.
Each individual’s path to recovery relies on access to effective addiction treatment services and compassionate support.
Are you a treatment program interested in contracting for our services? We would like to help you.
Medication Assisted Treatments for Opiate and Alcohol Use
Experts in Service to Treatment Programs at All Levels of Care
Medical Withdrawal Management
Treatment without Judgment
Psychiatric Medication Management
Addiction Medicine Experts Who Care