We Care About Your Mental Health

Mental Suffering lies at the Core of Damaging Patterns of Substance Use

Harmful patterns of substance use do not happen by accident.  They develop over time as a strategy to cope with mental anguish, pain and suffering.

Successful treatment of substance use disorders requires supporting an individual’s mental well-being through diverse treatment modalities that may include medication, psychotherapy, group therapies and psychoeducation.

Practicing living without substances is the first step, then the work of addressing the underlying human suffering begins.


Recognizing and treating underlying depression is crucial to the successful treatment of addiction.

Low mood, loss of interest in formerly enjoyable activities, insomnia, changes in weight or appetite, poor concentration, and feelings of worthlessness are associated with clinical depression.  Alcohol and drug use become a strategy employed by the individual to ‘not feel’ emotional anguish.  

Underlying, untreated depression is a common basis for unhealthy patterns of substance use.

Accurately recognizing and treating the symptoms of depression is important in achieving long term sobriety.  Our professional staff is experienced in psychopharmacology (medical management) of depressive disorders, substance use counseling, and psychotherapy.


Substances are frequently utilized as a tool to cope with debilitating anxiety

Anxiety comes in many forms and is most often characterized by excessive worrying or nervousness that is difficult to control.  Anxiety is frequently a response to difficult life-stressors and circumstances.  Damaging patterns of substance use develop over time as substances become the individual’s primary tool to manage anxiety.

The challenge of treating anxiety in the context of substance use is finding medication strategies that are safe and non-dependency forming.  Many medications that are used in the treatment of anxiety can lead to problematic dependency issues.  If you suffer with substance use, it is important to seek treatment from a properly trained and experienced expert who can provide medication options that won’t adversely affect your recovery.  

We provide experienced, responsible medication management of anxiety that is designed to avoid confounding the individual’s recovery.  

Anxiety symptoms can manifest in a number of ways, and individuals often suffer from a variety of symptoms:

  • Generalized Anxiety - Persistant worrying that is difficult to control, irritability, increased fatigue and muscle tension.
  • Panic Disorder - Discreet episodes of intense fear, often occuring at random, and resulting in worry about future attacks and attempts to avoid further episodes.
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - intrusive thoughts or urges that are distressing to an individual (fears of contamination, disorganization of items, or taboo thoughts) and behaviors that an individual feels compelled to carry out in order to manage their distress (cleaning, counting, checking, or riualistic activities).
  • · Somatic Disorders - prominent worrying and concern about physical symptoms, leading to distress and impaired functioning where medical symptoms may be difficult to diagnose or explain.


The after-effects of traumatic experiences frequently lead individuals to unhealthy patterns of substance use.

Traumatic experiences, occurring during childhood or adulthood, can have lasting and debilitating effects on many individuals.  Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress most often occur in individuals who have been victims of or exposed to acts of interpersonal violence.  Many others develop symptoms related to accidents or the unexpected loss of a loved one.

Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder include chronic feelings of fight or flight (hypervigilance), sleep disturbance characterized by nightmares, intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, and attempts to avoid thoughts relating to the traumatic experience.  

Treatment of PTSD is an ongoing process, that continues long after the individual has achieved sobriety.  We have ample experience in the treatment of PTSD and understand the importance of addressing trauma on the path to long term recovery.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is often accompanied by destructive patterns of substance use. Treating substance use is necessary in order to achieve stabilization of bipolar symptoms.

Bipolar disorder can be a challenging condition to diagnose in the context of substance use.  Heavy substance use tends to destabilize the mood which can muddy the picture of what is really going on with the individual.  

Once sobriety is achieved, many individuals discover that mood instability was directly caused by substance use.  An accurate diagnosis of bipolar disorder usually requires observation of the individuals mood during a period of extended sobriety.  It is not uncommon for individuals to be inaccurately diagnosed with bipolar disorder, if this diagnosis occurred in the midst of intoxication or during a period of ongoing heavy substance use. 

When mood instability persists after a period of extended sobriety, targeted treatment of bipolar disorder can lessen the risk of further relapse.

We are experienced in recognizing and treating bipolar disorder.  Accurate diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder is important in achieving long term sobriety.


Psychosis is a common manifestation of certain kinds of substance use, particularly amphetamine use.

Psychosis is commonly recognized by a variety of symptoms including delusions (grandiose, paranoid), hallucinations (auditory or visual) and/or disorganized thought patterns.  Individuals experiencing psychosis may seem out of touch with reality.

Psychosis may be related to acute intoxication on substances, as a prolonged but temporary after-effect of heavy substance use, or as a primary psychiatric disorder like schizophrenia.

Recognizing and treating psychosis is important.  Effectively treating psychosis is directly related to the individuals long term success in achieving freedom from substances.

Psychosis, as a consequence of substance use, is most commonly encountered in the context of heavy amphetamine use.  In many cases, psychosis resolves when the amphetamines are discontinued.  In other cases, patients may benefit from short term treatment with medication to lessen symptoms until they resolve.  Individuals experiencing schizophrenia or other primary psychotic disorders usually require long term, ongoing treatment in order to achieve stability.

We are experienced in the treatment of both short-term and chronic psychosis that occurs in the context of substance use.

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